Greetings Church Family,
On behalf of the leadership, we wanted to provide an update on how our church is responding to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
We have shared great deal of conversation and deliberation on how to proceed in terms of our Sunday morning gatherings and weekly ministries.
As of today (March 13, 2020), officials at Alberta Health and Health Canada are recommending that individuals and community groups do all that they can to limit the spread of illness when gathering together. This concern is especially high for groups with seniors and other vulnerable demographics.
Therefore, the Elders and Executive Board have agreed to the following steps:
1) This Sunday’s worship service (March 15) will be cancelled. This decision has not come easily, but was made in light of the current information from health services and in light of concerns from our own congregation about what steps we are going to take to limit potential risks. Weekend ministries will be cancelled and the Awana Grand Prix will be postponed to a later date.
2) The Elders and Executive Board will meet on Tuesday to discuss the best steps forward so that our congregation can continue to gather and share life together. Once this meeting happens, we will keep you updated on how we will be proceeding as a church.
Please continue to pray for each other and for the world around us. There are many who are fearful and many who are affected by this illness. Pray for the peace of Christ to rule and that we can be caring and faithful followers of Jesus in this time.
If you would like to share your thoughts, concerns, or questions, please email or call 403-223-2214. We are seeking to do everything that we can to make our church as clean and safe as possible.
Thank you for your understanding as we navigate these different times.
Vic Klassen (Chair of Elders)
Hal Reed (Chair of Executive Board)