"Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down..."
- Isaiah 64:1
This the prayer of someone who needs God to attend to him. Isaiah is asking for God's presence to be apparent and tangible because he feels his desperate need for God.
Advent is the season when we recognize and celebrate the answer to this prayer. Jesus Christ arrived to us, in the time of our need, when we were separated from God because of sin. Advent also spurs us to keep praying Isaiah's prayer. While we have been forgiven for sin, we still keenly feel the need for God's presence in our lives. So we continue asking for the presence of Jesus to be known and for his return to hasten.
Our current time in the pandemic is unlike any time that we have known. We pray that you will not lose heart and that you can be encouraged through this season's worship and sermon series. Through the deliberate actions of our worship in Advent, we also pray that you will experience the presence of God and that you will have hope in the arrival of Jesus in your life.