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La Semilla Ministries  (the Seed Ministries) -  Nicaragua

It’s always a joy to share in depth how we define Agriculture Development in Nicaragua. At La Semilla Ministries in Nicaragua, we believe that helping rural families achieve financial stability and independence is a way that individuals can realize their dignity as creations of God and realize their potential as His servants in His Kingdom. Our God is alive!

The dream of La Semilla began in 2007. The first years were full of investigations and establishing networks of contacts as the ministry slowly took shape. Community development projects such as school building improvements, community center construction and water well development helped to solidify relationships in rural communities and gain the trust needed to deepen our involvement in economic development.  Rob and Leslee Oudman joined the ministry in 2010 to add their agriculture perspective, as they began to exit from their potato growing farm operation in Alberta, Canada and now lead the strategies which define La Semilla as full-time Nicaraguan directors.

2013 was the first year of our “Sustainable Ag Program”. This program builds on essential skills and resources which already exist in rural communities but are under-utilized. Essentially it is a cooperative model bean and sorghum production system ending with increased yield, market returns, and profitability for participating producers. La Semilla staff, 4 of whom are Nicaraguan educated agronomists, have collected agronomic information from government sources, ag-supply companies, and experience on their land holdings to put together a best practices production system (appropriate seed varieties, plant population, weed control, crop nutrition, disease control) that is achieving improved yields. Key to our success are the trained agronomists that we employ to scout fields and help producers adopt these new technologies. Additionally, La Semilla Ministries operates a seed cleaning plant to be able to purchase harvested production from growers, clean and process it, and position it for market. Finally, training is provided and access given to appropriate technologies in planting, spraying, and harvesting to help farmers see beyond traditional limitations of manual labour toward the possibilities of increased production and financial stability for their families.

 Here are some of the initiatives that are built into the work that we do:

  1. Education & Skills training:  Four of our full-time employees are professional agronomists. They have helped define the goals and structure of the Sustainable Ag Program and are responsible for “extension work” – taking it out to the fields. Some of our skills training is in a seminar-type setting, but the majority of it is in the field as our agronomists scout fields with producers, and meet and talk with them in the shade of a tree. All producers are required to complete a prerequisite seminar which addresses basic finances and biblically founded values and ethics.  As we grow the mechanization side of our ministry, certain producers are exposed to skills such as welding and mechanics.
  1. Access to credit   Micro-financing is used as a tool to help producers realize the production potential of the land that they steward. One of the main obstacles to economic growth here in Nicaragua is the lack of financial resources. The reason these rural folks don’t progress forward from their subsistent living is a lack of access to credit. Rolled into our cooperative structure is the access to credit for each producer who has passed our prerequisite training and remains in good standing with us as a responsible producer. Farmers receive a loan (on average $185/acre) for the products we promote that help achieve higher yields and returns. Payment is a few months later as we receive the production from their farms.
  1. Appropriate Technologies   To a small degree, producers in the area are exposed to mechanical methods of crop production. An obstacle to growth is the ability to see the full potential of agriculture as means of financial return for the family. Also, some of the mechanization options help to relieve the repetitive, back-breaking labour of the agriculture cycle. Here in SW Nicaragua, the vast majority of the work (prepping the fields, planting, and thrashing) are done by hand. La Semilla Ministries demonstrates mechanical cultivation, seeding and thrashing in many rural communities of SW Nicaragua.
  1. Health & Medical initiatives   Water well development in the community of Los Mojicas provided that community with a sealed well (no more cattle milling around!) with an elevated tank, diesel generator to run the pump, and submerged lift pump. We’re happy to report that clean, potable water is now readily available!  Three rural communities have benefitted from our efforts in helping improve access to basic medical needs. La Chona, San Carlos and Los Diaz have opened their first local medical clinics through our efforts in the construction of a small , but effective facilities supported also by the local ministry of health. These clinics meet the health needs of a rural population of around 5000 persons.
  1. Economic Development   As previously stated, this is manifested mainly in the Sustainable Ag Program. Through this program our goal is to see a revitalized Carazo province! Through improved yields and diversification of crops, we help producers achieve a level of income that, given time, will prayerfully result in stable family incomes, less migration of seasonal labor away from their rural homes, and provide hope for a coming generation that – Yes, there is a future here in agriculture!  The cooperative marketing structure is adding value to raw product that is then adding to the income of participating producers. Employment opportunities exist within various points of this cooperative marketing system.
  1. Access to Fair and Just Markets  La Semilla Ministries operates a warehousing facility with basic grain cleaning equipment in Jinotepe, Carazo. Our objective is honest and transparent marketing opportunity available to all producers in the Carazo region that would provide better than average pricing of commodities for producers. Specifically in sorghum, producers, through La Semilla Ministries, have access to the domestic industrial market for sorghum, which yields better prices and greater volumes. Very important here in Nicaragua - our payments to producers are secure and immediate!
  1. Access to Quality Seed   La Semilla Ministries contracts and supervises the propagation of selected lines of seed, then processes and maintains them to have good quality, affordable seed available to producers in all quantities. Since 2018 we have completed the international standards requirements for certification and so we now offer certified bean seed and guaranteed quality under our brand name EXITIERRA.  2020 saw the addition of a certified sorghum seed line as well.  These advancements in seed quality have been key to the success we’ve achieved in crop yields and we have been recognized by the Government of Nicaragua and the United Nations for our accomplishments in this field.
  1. Spiritual Development: La Semilla Ministries is committed to teaching God’s purpose for our lives.  Human dignity is at the center of our development goals –each one of us realizing the potential of who GOD created us to be. Every aspect of the  program promotes Christian values and attitudes. Honesty and integrity are incorporated into every part of our lives. It’s a form of discipleship to farmers  and their families. Adult and youth bible studies and evangelism events are led by the two pastors on staff, and supported by our ag team in the more than 40 communities where we currently have a presence.
  1. “Good Cents” Financial Training:  A Spanish version of the popular financial program  developed at Willow Creek Church, “Buen Sentido” is an 4 day course we offer to producers to help them understand finances from a Biblical  perspective and how to improve their  managing of this resource to help stabilize income for their families.


La Semilla Ministries exists in Nicaragua as a project of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada.  The Evangelical Free Church of Canada is officially registered with the Nicaraguan Government and is authorized to provide assistance to the Nicaraguan public. Official backing of La Semilla Ministries is through the same organization in Canada, duly recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency and able to offer charitable receipts for donations received.

Is your interest piqued? Do you want to get involved with this life-changing ministry through prayer and or financial support? Perhaps you or someone you know is ready for a major shift in their lives. Perhaps you have a strong business or agricultural background and have always wondered how you might use that in service to the Lord?  We’re looking to expand our team. Opportunity exists for persons or couples with Spanish language ability and a desire to serve in either full-time or part-time capacity.

Do you have questions? Would you like more information?  Send us a note:

To send a cheque, make it payable to: Evangelical Free Church of Canada (attach a note designating acct.# 2-5062)  and send it to:

The Evangelical Free Church of Canada   Box 850 Langley Stn, LCD1
Langley, BC  Canada V3A 8S6

Credit Card/Online Payment: or Call: 1.877.305.3322