Last Sunday, we spent time in Luke 11:14-28. In this story, we see Jesus cast a demon out of a mute man and the response of the crowd around him. Jesus is doing something miraculous in this story. He is giving this mute man his voice back, essentially giving this man his life back. Jesus casts this demon out of the man and we see three responses: some marvel and look at him in awe, others attributed the power that he cast demons out with with the power of Satan, and others looked on hoping for another sign. Jesus spends the next moments of these verses explaining that this power that they have all witnessed is the power of the kingdom of God. Jesus explains that Satan doesn't work against himself or his kingdom and power would fall, so, of course, he isn't casting out demons by the power of Satan, but by the very power of God. He even has a statment for those who are apathetic to this miraculous moment. These are people who want more signs and wonders from him so that maybe they will believe. Jesus says in verse 23, "whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather will me scatters." Jesus doesn't leave any room for indecision. We are either with him or we are not; we either respond to the power of Jesus and recongnize his significance or we are against him.
How do you respond to the power of the kingdom of God?
For many of us its easy to beleive that Jesus is the healer, the deliverer, the redeemer I mean after reading the gospel we see that even death cannot defeat Jesus, we believe that Jesus can do anything. However, the real miraculous power of the kingdom happens everyday. It is the power that we have been given to deal with the sin in our lives through the Holy Spirit. Jesus died on the cross for our sin and he was resurrected by the power of that same Spirit to show his power and authority over all creation. Through this, Jesus has given us freedom from our sin, from the things we do that we don't want anyone to know about, from the things that our flesh deeply desires. These are matters that we cannot conquer on our own. We are helpless to sin without a Savior. We need him to change our lives.
We respond to the power of the kingdom, by living lives of faith that allow for the power of Christ to continually work in our life.
This week, we will explore Jesus' words in Luke 12:22-31 as he encourages us to trade our worldly anxieties for seeking God's kindom and his ways.
Please take time to read this passage, considering and meditating on how Jesus' words lead us into a deeper life with him.